Imported Foods Preventive Controls Manual
This manual was prepared for food importers that need to comply with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) import regulations. The manual has 3 downloadable files:
- Preventive Controls Procedures
- This document covers all the preventive controls required to be implemented.
- The document is a fillable PDF, so you can download and fill it in electronically.
- Recommended to start with this one!
- Records
- This document includes templates for all records referenced within the Preventive Control Plan and the manual.
- This document is an Excel file, so you can go in and revise any records as needed.
- Preventive Control Plan (PCP)
- This document includes the template to create your Preventive Control Plan.
- The document is in Excel, so you can print it, and fill it in electronically.
The download is only available for 24 hours after purchase. Please reach out to with any questions.
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